#european in mind

Konrad Adenauer summed it up in 1951: “The Schuman Treaty marks the beginning of a new era. For the first time in history, six European nations have joined together to form a supranational community. Europe, until now only a geographical concept, will henceforth become a political factor, backed by a political will and a political force.”

Europe is an important part of my identity: I see myself as a citizen of Lower Saxony, as a German national and as a European! Europe is more than a confederation of states that has agreed on values such as equality, freedom and security. Europe is also a philosophy and a way of life!

I am very fortunate to belong to a generation that has enjoyed the benefits of European integration. From peace and stability, from prosperity and freedom of movement – and from a personal opportunity to live, work and study with our European neighbours!

At the same time, I am wholeheartedly dedicated to making sure this open, prosperous and free world as we know and love it is preserved – for us, for our children and for our children’s children. That’s why I became a Member of European Parliament.

Fundamentals of the EU

Driven by the painful lessons of the first two world wars and their countless victims from across Europe, the European Union today is the antithesis of hatred and hostility. The European community and its member states are now characterised by cohesion and cooperation. The EU is thus an association of self-governing states that consciously assign national sovereign rights on a supranational, European level.

Today, German policy is significantly influenced by decisions from Brussels. This is because there is a basic consensus among all EU member states that joint and collective measures are more effective than national, unilateral actions.

What began in 1951 with the European Coal and Steel Community developed over decades with many small integration steps to become the world’s largest peace project!

In a globalised and increasingly complex world with competition between China, Russia and the USA, Europe and the prosperity of its member states can only continue to exist if it decisively acts in unison.

The history of Europe has always been fascinating to me and very rich in detail. More about this is presented in the podcast: Europas Weg (Prof. Schorkopf/Universität Göttingen).

European Parliament

The European Parliament is composed of 720 members (MEPs). Each of the 27 member states, regardless of its size and population density, sends at least six MEPs to Brussels.

Ninety-six Members of the European Parliament are from Germany; nine are from Lower Saxony. For the CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany), these include David McAllister MEP, Jens Gieseke MEP and me.

Since 1979, the Members of the European Parliament have been directly elected by EU citizens in the member states. In the course of the European Union’s integration history, the Parliament has succeeded in asserting more and more of its own rights with regard to legislation and decision-making processes. For example, budgetary law is now within the scope of the Parliamentary authority.

The policy-making function also enables the Parliament to become an equal part of the legislative process – alongside the European Council (although there is no right to initiate legislation). However, both institutions can request the Commission to initiate laws through the so-called indirect right of initiative.

I serve on the following committees

I belong to the following delegations

Delegation work includes maintaining a dialogue with our partners in non-member countries.
The aim is to create prosperity for all, primarily by strengthening democracy
and respect for human rights, and ensuring EU citizens can live in peace.

Visitor groups

Would you like to gain more insight into our political work in Europe?

Come visit me as a group (min. 10 people) in Brussels or Strasbourg! Your visit includes a guided tour of the plenary chamber and a discussion session with me.

Individuals and small groups are also invited to meet me and learn about European policy. My team would be happy to organise a visit for you as part of a larger group.

If you have any questions or are interested in visiting us, please contact Sinje Rohwedder, email: wahlkreis@lena-duepont.eu


Always up-to-date

My newsletter is sent out twice a month to keep you up-to-date on the most important EU debates and decisions in a professionally classified format. I also announce dates and current events in my constituency and highlight interesting interviews.

Session calendar

The weeks marked in red show the plenary sessions in Strasbourg. Beige and lavender indicate committee and political group weeks in Brussels. Weeks marked in green are set aside for extra-parliamentary activities.

My Team

I am very grateful for the dedicated, responsible and articulate support of my team! These are the people at my side in Lower Saxony and Brussels.

local at heart

From coal mining to wind turbines, from university research centres to tiny villages with only three inhabitants. From thriving business location to agricultural region. Lower Saxony is a land of contrasts. But its people all have one thing in common: despite our northern German reticence, we are warm and loyal. We’re steadfast and down-to-earth – with a clear outlook for the future!

Politics thrives on sharing information with one another and shaping democracy together. I welcome your questions, criticism and suggestions to make my work for you, for Lower Saxony and for Europe even better and to successfully implement good ideas. Write to me, call me or visit me in my office in Gifhorn during the weeks when the European Parliament is not in session. I look forward to hearing your feedback and talking with you!